Thursday, April 7, 2005
Meeting called to order at 6:45pm. Self introductions were made around the room. Residents in attendance were:
Phil Chabot Natalie Steinberg Jim Zehm
Les Henri Ed Frech Jim Fitzgerald
Gilbert Hausmann Don McVay Lynn Stipes
John Stipes Tim Mullane John Murch
Robert Austin Joyce Gomez Alex Dezj
Don Anderson Rick Frank Ken Kezeor
Scott Harris Rob Hansel Debbie Loewen
Kathy Moyer Chris St. Germain John Johnson
Lyle Fleming Darryl Davies
Financial reports were reviewed and are posted on the website (http://lbra.kezeor.com).
Current bank balance as of 3/31/05 was $20,601.09. $3,060 in dues was deposited
in April and will be included in the next bank statement.
There is approximately $6500 in unpaid dues from residents that have not paid in 2004 and are anticipated to not pay in 2005. About half of these residents live on Lake and Visitar and use the road in which the funds repair. The other half live way up Upper Lake and do not access this end of the road. Discussed collecting these unpaid dues pursuant Civil Code 845 which states “all persons with a common right of way must pay their fair share for maintenance of that road, enforceable through Superior Court”. Legal organization of our association and creating By-Laws will need to be done and Debbie Loewen has done some of the necessary research towards this goal. Chris St. Germain will pick up the information accumulated and follow through. Any one interested in participating in this task is welcome to contact Chris at 335-7616 or chrisdee13@comcast.net.
Expense reimbursements were made to:
Don McVay $226.11 Road repair supplies last fall
Chris St. Germain $62.48 Postage & PO Box rental paid
Jim Zehm $3,050.00 For hauling away slide on Lake
Discussion regarding the $5000 paid for road grading and paving on Upper Lake was discussed with much energy. It was felt by some that the agreement to pay for the supplies was not done with a consensus approval. Others stated that when the check was agreed to be written that it was agreed by those attending a meeting although the date was uncertain. A breakdown of expenses paid by both the residents and the LBRA fund was presented. It was agree that three more signers would be added to the checking account (Lyle Fleming, Lynn Stipes & Don McVay) and all checks issued in the future would have two signers.
1. Bad section of road in front of O’Neill’s house (10475 Lake)
2. Parts of Visitar need repair (Upper section)
3. Water problems on Middle Lake
4. Slide on Lower Lake
1. Hire professionals to do studies
2. Divert water to east side of Upper Lake
3. Armored ditch at Phil Chabot’s property (10888 Lake)
Walk canyon eastside of Lyle’s
4. Improve Visitar (as per meeting minutes from 8/12/04 posted on website)
5. Clean up slides on Lower Lake
6. Road Association formed professionally
7. Pave Visitar (unpaved portion)
8. Grade & pave in front of O’Neill’s (10475 Lake)
9. Fix Lake at Chris & Sunshine’s (10188 Lake)
Don Anderson will get paving and grading estimates. Jim Fitzgerald will investigate
the costs to hire a professional to look water diversion in front of Ernie
Ortiz’s (10864 Lake). A motion was made by Debbie Loewen to budget
$1,000 to pay for these services and seconded by Darryl Davies. Motion approved.
Next road crew will be SATURDAY, MAY 14. Meet at the mailboxes at 9am. Bring
shovels and brooms.
Projects to be worked on will be
1) Repair and pave in front of O’Neill’s (10475 Lake)
2) Improve Visitar (see items #1, 2 & 3 on meeting minutes from 8/12/04 – posted
on website)
Two loads of base rock and one of cold patch will be ordered and delivered to the turnout near Don McVay’s.
AT 6:30PM
For a list of email addresses or to add yours to our list please contact Chris St. Germain at chrisdee13@comcast.net .
Watch for road signs or check out the website for meeting notices.
Attend meetings so your voice can be heard.