Meeting Notes
Annual Meeting
August 12, 2004
Old Business
- Forming an association - We had preliminary interviews with several
attorneys; selected one for familiarity with mountain road associations
and affordable. The whole process may take several years, one step at
a time.
- RCD grants - We applied for 9k match grant for sediment control in
February, but were not chosen. RCD liked our proposal. They approached
us later about participating in a workshop grant, done on July 10 th.
They set up and hired a contractor for demonstration of pothole repair
and outslope rock with berms on unpaved section of Visitar in July. Value
of grant about $500.
- Survey - A survey of our roadways by Steve Butler completed. We have
a good general plan, how all areas affect one another. Most of our problems
are caused by water run-off: inappropriate diversions uphill, poorly
maintained inside ditch of road, inadequate number of release points
and culverts. Developed drawing of recommendations.
New Business
- Election - We voted to eliminate President position (vacant since
Neal moved) and work as "core" group present.
- Pothole party - Scheduled pothole work day for Saturday, September
11 th. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! More pothole repairs and culvert
cleaning can be done on Oct 9 th & 23 rd if we have a good turnout
for work crews. We will set up permanent storage sites at three places
for cold patch delivery, to allow ongoing repairs.
- Brush clearing - There is extreme brush and undergrowth fire load
along road and on lots. To do major clearing, we voted to solicit bids
from professional trimmers to clear along all roadways.
- Road repairs identified and prioritized -
Repairs that are considered priority, by area:
- Add armored culvert & flume to protect outer edge of road at washout
area before 11160:OCT 9
- Correct slope and drainage at last driveway, 11220: OCT 9
or 23
- Correct slope, and inside drainage ditch and culvert by 10885: OCT
- Rake in cement and water on new rock outslope/berms (from grant): OCT
9 or 23
Other items discussed for future work were: continue to grade and outslope
unpaved sections, rock as needed; continue pavement, preferably tailgating.
We will get estimate of costs for delivery, if there are funds left this
LAKE , Visitar to new road, top
- Damaged section near top, to improve and reduce run-off diversions
to Visitar. The road area requires grading and rock, and local homeowners
would like it paved. We voted to hire Steve Butler, to meet and review
mitigation, including installation of culverts and other suggestions
for controlling run-off. Plans and costs are being put together. This
was considered a priority project, as the run-off is causing erosion
and damage to both Visitar and Lake below, affecting a great number of
LAKE , Lompico to Visitar
- Add base rock in large pullouts on first section of Lake, to prevent
break-off of pavement. OCT 9
These items were discussed for future work as funds allow, not presently
a priority: fill in settlement near top of first climb on Lake, slope to
inside and pave 10' wide; overlay outside road to prevent standing water,
top of Lake after first climb; remove dirt overburden at retaining wall;
correction of drainage and improvement of bend by 10475.
- We would like to improve communication with all our neighbors by making
an email contact list and possibly setting up a web site for discussions
and announcing work. Keep in touch. We'll post our email contact soon.
- Volunteers needed : Road crew, making signs, calling
neighbors, making food for road crews, researching grants, or anyone
wanting to assist on projects above.